
Maharana pratap episode 1
Maharana pratap episode 1

The first who entered the lists was Jeytanga, of the Pahoo clan, a kin of Shardul.

#Maharana pratap episode 1 series

The rivals encountered at Chondan, where Shardul halted to repose but the brave Rathore scorned the advantage of numbers, and a series of single combats ensued, with all the forms of chivalry. Though entreated to add four thousand Mohils to his escort, Shardul his own gallant band of seven hundred Bhatis sufficient to convey his bride to his desert abode, and with difficulty accepted fifty, led by Meghraj, the brother of the bride. Arankanwal (Aranya means waste in Sanskrit, Kamal is Lotus), the slighted heir of Mandore, determined on revenge, and with four thousand Rathores planted himself in the path of Shardul's return, aided by the Sankhla Mehraj, whose son Shardul slain. The dower was splendid gems of high price, vessels of gold and silver, a golden bull, and a train of thirteen dewadharis (lamp holders). In due time it came, and the nuptials were solemnized at Aurint. Although betrothed to the heir of the Rathore of Mundore, she signified her wish to renounce the throne to be the bride of the chieftain of Pugal and in spite of the dangers he provoked, and contrary to the Mohil chief's advice, Shardul, as a gallant rajput, dared not reject the overture, and he promised "to accept the coco (Sriphala)" if sent in form to Pugal. She loved him for the dangers he had passed. 1163 of Chauhan King Virgharaj IV (Bisaldev) refers to his Mahamantri (Chief Minister) as Rajaputra Sallakshanpal.īeing invited to partake of the hospitality or the Mohil, the heir of Pugal attracted the favourable regards of the old chieftain's daughter. Delhi Shivalik Pillar inscription, dating to A.D. mention Rajaputra Kirtipal, the progenitor of Songara (Svarnagiri) Chauhan dynasty of Jalore. Apshad inscription of Adityasena (8th century A.D) mentions Madhavagupta who is identical with Madhavgupta, the Malawa Rajaputra of Bana's Harshacharita. But he contended himself at first with the modest title of Rajaputra Siladitya. Raychaudhuri, and Kaukinkar Datta, ISBN 0333 90298 X: It is however, certain that Harsha found himself at the head of the kingdom of his brother as well as that of his brother-in-law. Following excerpt from, of Advanced History of India written by R.C. King Harshavardhana of Kannauj was crowned as Rajaputra Siladitya. The inscriptions of Sanga mentions the name of Rajputra Vikramasena, Gnoli inscription mentions Rajaputra Jayadeva, inscription of Deopatan mentions Rajputra Shurasena, and the inscriptions of Adeshwar mentions the Rajaputras Nandavarma, Jishnuvarma and Bhimavarma. Rajputra Vajraratha, Babharuvarma, and Deshavarma are mentioned in the inscriptions of Sikubahi (Shankhamul) which describe the reigns of Licchavi kings Gangadeva (567-573 A.D) and Amshuvarma (605-621 A.D) respectively. Regimi's, Inscriptions of Ancient Nepal, Abhinav Publications, ISBN 0391025597 ). There are Rajputra references in many Licchavi inscriptions (Recorded in D.R. Rajputra are also mentioned in Sumandala Copper Plate inscription of Prithvigraha, Gupta era (570 A.D).

  • 9.3.2 Maha Vir Chakra winners (Second highest gallantry award in India)ĭamodarpur copper-plate inscription of Kumaragupta III (533 A.D) records that the Governor of Bhukti of Pundravardhana, Rajaputra-Dev-Bhattaraka, was a son of the emperor, bearing the title Uparika Maharaja and 'rendering his homage to the king'.
  • 9.3.1 Param Vir Chakra winners (Highest gallantry award in India).
  • 8 Prominent Rajput clans & their main centers.
  • 6.2 Partial list of Rajputs who fought the invaders.
  • 6.1 Organization of Indian kingdoms during invasions.

  • Maharana pratap episode 1